Allied Building Inspection Services has a professional staff of inspectors trained and certified to handle all aspects of inspecting commercial real estate. Our team includes licensed General Contractors, Florida Certified Professional Engineers, Registered Architects and Certified Pest Operator.    

Rental Review

We perform a thorough inspection and review of the potential rental dwelling to determine the actual conditions to pin-point potential problems, and document conditions BEFORE move-in.

Building Safety Recertification

A structural and electrical inspection is required for all 40-year-old buildings in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. These buildings must be recertified by a registered Florida Engineer or Architect for safety

Structural Integrity Reserve Study

Roof, Floor, Load Bearing Walls, Fireproofing & Fire Safety, Exterior Painting & Water Proofing, Plumbing, Electrical Systems, Foundation, Windows and Other elements over $10,000 that have an impact on the structural integrity of the building.

Certificate Of Use

Miami-Dade County Ordinance No. 08-133 applies to all residential properties which are acquired through a Certificate of Title (foreclosures and judgments). Residential properties affected include single-family homes, condominiums, townhouses and duplexes. 

Chinese Drywall

Residents in homes with problematic drywall report experiencing health issues such as respiratory irritation, as well as problems with copper corrosion and sulfur odors. We conduct detailed point-by-point inspections of accessible areas, including limited invasive borescopes of interior wall cavities and evaluations of key components for signs of oxidation.

Thermal Imaging

Infrared (thermal imaging) is an advanced, non-invasive technology that allows the inspector to reveal to clients things about their homes or buildings that cannot be detected using conventional inspection methods. For something as specialized as a thermal imaging inspection, it is critical that the information presented meets the clients’ needs for information they can use and act upon.

Balcony Inspection

Allied provides Balcony Inspections that comply with State requirement DBPR-HR-7020 “Division of Hotels and Restaurants Certificate of Balcony Inspection.” This is required for all public lodging establishments, including hotels, apartments, and condos, that are three or more stories in height. 


If you’re in need of any of the following services for your project or property, there’s no better choice than John Micali and his exceptional staff. With years of experience and a solid reputation for excellence, you can trust them to provide top-notch consulting services in the state.

New Construction Services

Allied Building Inspection Services has a professional staff of inspectors trained and certified to handle all aspects of inspecting commercial real estate. Our team includes licensed General Contractors, Florida Certified Professional Engineers, Registered Architects and Certified Pest Operators.

Sewer Camera

Homes built prior to 1972 are equipped with cost iron sanitary sewer pipes under the home’s Roars. This piping has an original life expectancy of 40 to 50 years. This piping corrodes due to age, causing leakage, blockages, backups and damage to the homes.